Friday, December 13, 2013

Pro Letter

Dear SeaWorld,

I am writing this short letter to address the topic of your dolphins and whales in captivity. I know that recent and past events have brought many concerns to your notice and to the surface that maybe you haven’t necessarily considered, or have considered, but are not sure how to address the situation.

You may be more concerned with the use of these species in your facilities due to the number of people out in the world that are now against the use of these species, which could cause a decline in your business by said people not visiting your parks and sharing the news as to why they shouldn’t visit with others around them. I would like to shed light on the fact that despite the vast numbers out there against these animals in captivity, you will always have immense numbers of people who will not research the topic, or be told about the topic and will never have reasons to not visit your facilities. Along with that, you will also always have children and even adults interested in visiting these parks just to see these animals because they are so majestic and not something that can be seen easily in the wild, especially with such close encounters. You may still be able to argue that these visits are beneficial to humans because humans may leave your parks with a new love for these species and may do what they can to educate themselves on the creatures, or even reach out with a helping hand or extra money to organizations for these animals. Most people, if not for these parks, would never in their lives encounter these majestic beauties; therefore you can still argumentatively claim that you are still doing the world a favor.

As for the vast numbers already against the use of these species in captivity, there are a few things you could possibly address to ease some issues that these people have. First and foremost, you should breed your own of these animals, rather than go out and capture them from their native environment and rip them from their pods to bring them to you. This capture is devastating to the animal mentally, emotionally and physically, and also causes a tremendous number of deaths among the many dolphins captured and not taken to facilities. That being said, when you breed your own dolphins or whales, you need to keep them together. This will ease the grief and anxiety these animals feel when they are ripped away from their family members, and may also give them a more pleasurable experience because they can stay with their family, which in turn makes them much happier. One last piece of advice I will give is that you try to make better accommodations for these animals, meaning much more space. These animals use up immeasurable amounts of space in their native environments, therefore allotting them the most amount of space that you possibly can is the best route for displacing some of the anger this causes for advocates of the species.

Best Wishes in your future endeavors,

Mychal Lowrance

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